Spotlight: Pentagon chief's THAAD reaffirmation to deepen S. Korea's fake mythology
by Yoo Seungki
SEOUL, Feb. 3 (Xinhua) -- The first Pentagon chief under Trump administration on Friday reaffirmed the agreement to deploy the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) anti-missile system in South Korea during his talks in Seoul with his counterpart, Defense Minister Han Min-koo.
U.S. Defense Secretary James Mattis arrived here Thursday, when he met with Prime Minister Hwang Kyo-ahn who is serving as acting South Korean president following the impeachment of President Park Geun-hye as well as Kim Kwan-jin, top presidential security advisor.
During the meetings, Mattis said the Trump administration places a priority on the U.S.-South Korean alliance and that no other nation needs to be worried about THAAD except the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK).
Meeting with Minister Han, the Pentagon chief defended the THAAD deployment which he described as defensive in nature because it only aims to protect South Korean people and U.S. forces stationed here from DPRK threats.
However, nobody would naively believe it as the THAAD installation implies South Korea becomes part of the U.S. missile defe台南小額借款nse networking in Northeast Asia involving the United States and its two allies, the other being Japan.
The MD networking will foster arms race given the relationship between ballistic missiles and anti-missile systems that can be likened to a fight between spears and shields.
Such fight would never come to an end, with more shields demanding more spears on the other side of the two. The U.S. missile shield could bring more nuclear-tipped ballistic missiles to the region.
The same logic resulted in the anti-ballistic missile (ABM) treaty that was inked in 1972 between the Soviet Union and the U.S., which later repealed it unilaterally. Under the treaty, the two superpowers had agreed to prevent the development of missile defense systems for fear of a surge in nuclear missiles.
The Park Geun-hye administration did not explain to South Korean people about the offensive nature of THAAD in the region, only repeatedly impressing upon conservative voters the importance of the missile shield to protect against the DPRKs nuclear-capable missiles.
In front of the South Korean defense ministry headquarters where Mattis and Han held talks, elderly conservative South Koreans welcomed the Pentagon chiefs visit, waving the Stars and Stripes along with their national flag.
Some of local media read too much into Mattis trip to South Korea before Japan. It was the Pentagon chiefs first overseas tour and the first ever by any of secretaries of the new U.S. cabinet.
South Koreas excessive dependence on the U.S. for its own defense created a kind of mythology, especially in the conservative bloc, that the country cannot defend itself. The Park government refused to retrieve its own wartime operational control of South Korean troops from Washington amid lack of confidence in its own military.
Independent diplomatic and defense politics have passed away in South Korea. The impeached president said on Thursday that THAAD must be deployed as it is very important in the South Korea-U.S. alliance.
Following Mattis visit to South Korea, conservative politicians here are expected to exploit the fake mythology by stressing the importance of military alliance with the U.S. and demonizing the DPRK.
Pro-American and anti-DPRK propaganda tended to grant election victories to conservative politicians, who may desperately requ桃園個人信貸利率比較ire it now that support for the conservative bloc fell with the presidential scandal.
Such propaganda would not work this time around, considering that major presidential hopefuls in the opposition camp sweep recent presidential surveys. They call for the cancellation or the delay of a final decision to the next government.
Progressive politicians here have demanded examining whether the U.S. missile shield would work in South Korea and collecting the public and parliamentary consensus through open discussions.
The THAAD is designed to shoot down incoming missiles at an altitude of 40-150 km, but桃園信用貸款推薦 most of DPRK missiles fly at an altitude of less than 40 km.
THAAD placed in southeast South Korea is incapable of intercepting missies targeting Seoul and its surrounding metropolitan areas, which have around half of the countrys total 50 million populations.
The contentious decision drew sharp criticism and strong objection from China and Russia as its X-band radar can peer deep into territories of the two countries, breaking strategic balance and bolstering arms race.
It has also caused opposition from residents as the radar emits super microwaves detrimental to environment and human body.
U.S. defense chief reaffirms controversial THAAD deployment in S.Korea despite opposition
SEOUL, Feb. 3 (Xinhua) -- Visiting U.S. Defense Secretary James Mattis reaffirmed the controversial deployment of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) anti-missile system in South Korea despite strong opposition at home and abroad.? Full story
Pentagon chief appeases S. Korea with reassurance of defense commitment
SEOUL, Feb. 2 (Xinhua) -- Visiting U.S. Defense Secretary James Mattis reaffirmed U.S. commitment to the defense of South Korea here on Thursday, including its extended deterrence.? Full story
by Yoo Seungki
SEOUL, Feb. 3 (Xinhua) -- The first Pentagon chief under Trump administration on Friday reaffirmed the agreement to deploy the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) anti-missile system in South Korea during his talks in Seoul with his counterpart, Defense Minister Han Min-koo.
U.S. Defense Secretary James Mattis arrived here Thursday, when he met with Prime Minister Hwang Kyo-ahn who is serving as acting South Korean president following the impeachment of President Park Geun-hye as well as Kim Kwan-jin, top presidential security advisor.
During the meetings, Mattis said the Trump administration places a priority on the U.S.-South Korean alliance and that no other nation needs to be worried about THAAD except the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK).
Meeting with Minister Han, the Pentagon chief defended the THAAD deployment which he described as defensive in nature because it only aims to protect South Korean people and U.S. forces stationed here from DPRK threats.
However, nobody would naively believe it as the THAAD installation implies South Korea becomes part of the U.S. missile defense networking高雄小額借錢 in Northeast Asia involving the United States and its two allies, the other being Japan.
The MD networking will foster arms race given the relationship between ballistic missiles and anti-missile systems that can be likened to a fight between spears and shields.
Such fight would never come to an end, with more shields demanding more spears on the other side of the two. The U.S. missile shield could bring more nuclear-tipped ballistic missiles to the region.
The same logic resulted in the anti-ballistic missile (ABM) treaty that was inked in 1972 between the Soviet Union and the U.S., which later repealed it unilaterally. Under the treaty, the two superpowers had agreed to prevent the development of missile defense systems for fear of a surge in nuclear missiles.
The Park Geun-hye administration did not explain to South Korean people about the offensive nature of THAAD in the region, only repeatedly impressing upon conservative voters the importance of the missile shield to protect against the DPRKs nuclear-capable missiles.
In front of the South Korean defense ministry headquarters where Mattis and Han held talks, elderly conservative South Koreans welcomed the Pentagon chiefs visit, waving the Stars and Stripes along with their national flag.
Some of local media read too much into Mattis trip to South Korea before Japan. It was the Pentagon chiefs first overseas tour and the first ever by any of secretaries of the new U.S. cabinet.
South Koreas excessive dependence on the U.S. for its own defense created a kind of mythology, especially in the conservative bloc, that the country cannot defend itself. The Park government refused to retrieve its own wartime operational control of South Korean troops from Washington amid lack of confidence in its own military.
Independent diplomatic and defense politics have passed away in South Korea. The impeached president said on Thursday that THAAD must be deployed as it is very important in the South Korea-U.S. alliance.
Following Mattis visit to South Korea, conservative politicians here are expected to exploit the fake mythology by stressing the importance of military alliance with the U.S. and demonizing the DPRK.
Pro-American and anti-DPRK propaganda tended to grant election victories to conservative politicians, who may desperately require it now that support for the conservative bloc fell with the presidential scandal.
Such propaganda would not work this time around, considering that major presidential hopefuls in the opposition camp sweep recent presidential surveys. They call for the cancellation or the delay of a final decision to the next government.
Progressive politicians here have demanded examining whether the U.S. missile shield would work in South Korea and collecting the public and parliamentary consensus through open discussions.
The THAAD is designed to shoot down incoming missiles at an altitude of 40-150 km, but most of DPRK missiles fly at an altitude of less than 40 km.
THAAD placed in southeast South Korea is incapable of intercepting missies targeting Seoul and its surrounding metropolitan areas, which have around half of the countrys total 50 million populations.
The contentious decision drew sharp criticism and strong objection from China and Russia as its X-band radar can peer deep into territories of the two countries, breaking strategic balance and bolstering arms race.
It has also caused opposition from residents as the radar emits super microwaves detrimental to environment and human body.
U.S. defense chief reaffirms controversial THAAD deployment in S.Korea despite opposition
SEOUL, Feb. 3 (Xinhua) -- Visiting U.S. Defense Secretary James Mattis reaffirmed the controversial deployment of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) anti-missile system in South Korea despite strong opposition at home and abroad.? Full story
Pentagon chief appeases S. Korea with reassurance of defense commitment
SEOUL, Feb. 2 (Xinhua) -- Visiting U.S. Defense Secretary James Mattis reaffirmed U.S. commitment to the defense of South Korea here on Thursday, including its extended deterrence.? Full story
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- 真實案例講解:被貸款了怎麼辦?什麼是“被貸款”?桃園代辦信用貸款 信貸利率試算表要去哪裡找被貸款是指被他人假冒自己的名義在銀行辦理了貸款。桃園代辦信用貸款 信貸利率試算表要去哪裡找一些人在遭遇此類事件時,往往忍氣吞聲,不知該如何應對。事實上,被貸款了怎麼辦這個問題很好解決,只看你有沒有勇氣拿起武器捍衛自己的合法權益?有權要求認定合同無效【案例一】 2011年10月5日,熊妍購買了一套商品房,當她交完首付,來到銀行辦理按揭手續時,卻遭到拒絕。理由是她曾辦理過三筆貸款,累計金額已達90萬元,桃園代辦信用貸款 信貸利率試算表要去哪裡找不能再貸款了。銀行提供的查詢證明顯示,桃園代辦信用貸款 信貸利率試算表要去哪裡找熊妍於2009年及2010年,在鄰縣一家銀行的確有著貸款記錄,每筆均為30萬元。“我根本就沒有在你們銀行貸過款,桃園代辦信用貸款 信貸利率試算表要去哪裡找怎麼會有如此巨額的貸款記錄?”面對熊妍的質詢,桃園代辦信用貸款 信貸利率試算表要去哪裡找鄰縣銀行卻無動於衷,因為他們知道,這只不過是領導親屬利用私自獲取的熊妍身份資訊辦理的貸款。桃園代辦信用貸款 信貸利率試算表要去哪裡找熊妍有權訴請法院確認三筆貸款合同無效。本案中,銀行領導為了自己親屬的利益,弄虛作假、串通一氣地連續三次利用私自獲取的熊妍身份資訊辦理貸款,桃園代辦信用貸款 信貸利率試算表要去哪裡找客觀上也確已損害熊妍的利益,無疑當屬惡意串通。而《合同法》第五十二條規定:“有下列情形之一的,合同無效:……(二)惡意串通,損害國家、集體或者第三人利益桃園代辦信用貸款 信貸利率試算表要去哪裡找;……”《民法通則》第五十八條也已規定“惡意串通,損害國家、集體或者第三人利益的”民事行為無效。即銀行與真正貸款人的行為,桃園代辦信用貸款 信貸利率試算表要去哪裡找從開始起就對熊妍沒有法律約束力。
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